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Little things to know in life | A look back article from 2019

By Ahmad Mozaffar

Little things to know in life | A look back article from 2019

Oct 10, 2022
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The content is a personal experience only and doesn't reflect any studies, experiments, and stuff like that, you can consider it as a white paper and I'm throwing what is on my mind on it

Back in 2019, couple mins before new year's eve, I have written an article in that I shared some thoughts I followed in my life especially in 2019 as it's considered one of the most successful years in my life. This article is desolated since then, I decided to improve it and put it on my own website, have a great reading... You can find the original article on the following link Start your life 2020 in a successful way @medium

Note that the following text is written in December 2019 just slightly modifications

The new year is about less than 90 days to start, the life in the previous decade has totally changed in comparison to any other era from the whole live timeline, everything has changed somethings got better and others got harder.

The last ten years have shaped a new era starting from today, a period in life that is well known for its speed the second today is not the same few years ago, the current period is easy and hard, simple things could be measured in the way you look at them, nowadays believe me the life in its easier period, just be careful how to take advantage of what we have today to build a super perfect life for you that has all dreams come true.

I will share with you some basic ideas, I have followed over the years, that really made most of my dreams come true, I wrote this article 3 years ago, and now thank god but mostly I'm living the life I wished for back then and got little more than what I have imagined. The steps shouldn't work for everyone but at least it's good to know, it could work for you ;-)

1- Set clear goals to achieve

The first thing you have to start with is to have well-defined goals, you have to know very well what do you want, create a to-do list and answer the current question “What I want to have to feel happy and satisfied?”, write your goals and start.

2- Be patient and believe in long-term

This technique is something very important, most of the people when they try to do something (project, Learn a new domain, new language… etc.), sometimes when you start, you have to know that things need time, just believing in this will help you 50% to achieve everything, when you start for example learning a new language, many people will give up because they believe that learning a new language needs a lot of time, but you set a plan to learn that language for a 15–30 mins every day, for a week or even a month you won’t achieve anything, but for long-term like after a year this means you have studied the language for about 10000 mins which is equals to 166 hours that’s if you only study for 25 mins every day, you need to patient a little thing for a long time will be so much.
Another example: reading 10 pages per day after a year means 3650 pages about 15–20 books, that’s nice right, 10 pages per day is about 5 mins but doing this for a full year every day means 20 books and that’s too much.

3- You have to know that everything is free

Nowadays with the internet and social media, everything is becoming free, take advantage of this, you can earn a lot of money, start a new career, get a new job, making a milestone in life simple for free, you don’t have to pay, don’t lose your time, behind your mobile and computer screen you can do whatever you want, open google and start searching, treasures now is not money, it’s the data and the information that are existing on Google, YouTube, Facebook more than anything else, those data can make a turn over in life anytime just by following some websites and what is enjoyable about this, there are no charges for that.

4- You have to know that you are responsible for everything:

As I told you everything is free and accessible from any place on the earth or even from outside the earth, so if you are poor, it’s because of you, if you are not educated it’s because of you, if you are unemployed it’s because of you, the current technologies give you everything to learn, make money, work, become a famous person and too many other things.

5- Walking up early in the morning

If you really want to succeed, and achieve your dreams the first challenge you have to take is to be able to get out of bed early in the morning between 4–5 AM, this is the best key to success, the energy you have in the morning able to help you solve all your problems, it gives additional hours every day, if you wake up at 4 every day you can work for 8 hours and the time in only 12 PM which means you still have a full day, and that 4 hours in the morning you can take advantage of them not like wake up late and you will stay awake at night but the problem is at the end of the day you won’t have energy like the energy you have early in the morning, so the first step is to accept this challenge and start your day with the first successful step.


Make the start of this year and new start and a turnover the life, simply wake up and get started in a new life that all your dreams will come true.


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