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Developing a full Calendar Application with Blazor WebAssembly, Microsoft Graph and Azure Active Directory

By Ahmad Mozaffar

Developing a full Calendar Application with Blazor WebAssembly, Microsoft Graph and Azure Active Directory

May 24, 2020
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The best way to learn anything new in your life is to practice it, and Blazor is of course your next target to be added as a skill on your resume, start learning Blazor WebAssembly and developing a Single Page Applications (SPA) with .NET and Blazor WebAssembly.

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In this project you will learn how to develop a full SPA app with Blazor that represents a Calendar applications allows you to add and list events on a calendar component that we build step by step throughout the course, the users will be able to login via their Microsoft accounts so the anyone can sync their Microsoft Outlook Calendar events with the one that we are creating during this journey.

What you will learn:

·        Construction a full SPA application from tiny components that structures the full app

·        Authentication using Microsoft Azure Active Directory

·        Making API requests to the Microsoft Graph API to add and fetch the user’s Outlook Calendar events.

·        Design a full web app with Microsoft Fluent UI styles



Star and clone the project files from GitHub and following the instructions to make this app works on your local machine



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Kevin Comba

Hello sir My name is Kevin Comba Gatimu, I'm a MLSA : - https://linktr.ee/kevincomba, I'm am a fan of your work and I'm using this beautiful project on a hackathon. am stack on an error on the state management between components. The error is : The current thread is not associated with the Dispatcher. Use InvokeAsync() to switch execution to the Dispatcher when triggering rendering or component state. I'm new to dotnet am learning with your projects. Please help me out. I'm using the latest blazor WASM.

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