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Develop desktop apps with Blazor & Electron.NET

By Ahmad Mozaffar

Develop desktop apps with Blazor & Electron.NET

Jun 01, 2020
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Blazor with Electron

This repository associated with the AK Academy YouTube course "Blazor & Electron for Cross-Platform Desktop Development" to build applications for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux with Blazor and communicate with the native capabilities of each operating system with a single code base


enter image description here

What you will learn:

This course and demo contains everything you need to know as a .NET Core developer with Blazor to start delivering a Desktop applications for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux, and this demo covering the following:

  1. Initializing ElectronNET with Blazor Server App
  2. Show notifications in the operating system
  3. Deal with Dialogs (MessageBox, Save File Dialog, Open File Dialog)
  4. Working with Shell (Executing commands and open external files)
  5. How to manage the updates of your applications
  6. Managing the Windows within your application
  7. Messaging and communication between the windows and processes
  8. Read and Write from the Clip board (Copy & Paste)
  9. Creating the application menu
  10. Capturing the Desktop
  11. Trays (Icon in the notification part and its context menu)
  12. Read the system information
  13. Packing and delivering the application as single unit for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux

How to make this demo works on your machine:

Regardless the operating system you use, you can start directly by installing NodeJS from here, then install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK from this link and Visual Studio Code from here then follow the steps:

Clone the current repository to your machine Open the folder of the project in the Terminal and run the following command to install ElectronNET.CLI dotnet tool install --global ElectronNET.CLI Then run the command

dotnet restore
dotnet build
electronize start

Enjoy the experience and follow up with the course Thank you so much for reaching out ;-)

Don't forget to subscribe for AK Academy here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRs-PO48PbbS0l7bBhbu5CA

And Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/ahmadmozaffar99


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Mohammad Khoulani

Useful one, thanks for sharing

Follow Ahmad Mozaffar